PT Hakiki Donarta Graduation of Net Zero Hub Corporate Assistance Program

Picture source: KADIN Indonesia

PT Hakiki Donarta gladly announces that we have successfully passed the KADIN Net Zero Hub (NZH) Corporate Assistance Program on Tuesday, 28 February 2023.


Since the first signing of the MoU "Intent to Pledge KADIN Net-Zero Hub" on 27 May 2022, PT Hakiki Donarta has been committed to reducing carbon emissions in Indonesia.


PT Hakiki Donarta’s committee formed for Net Zero Hub has undergone the Corporate Assistance Program, which is an intensive five months of training from October 2022 to February 2023, to help companies calculate greenhouse gas emissions.


During the training, the team is assisted in adopting several international standards, such as the GHG Protocol and the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) framework.


The GHG Protocol establishes a comprehensive, globally defined framework to track and control greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from activities in the public and private sectors, value chains, and mitigation measures.


Meanwhile, SBTi is a standard used globally by more than 4,600 companies from various industries to set credible targets for addressing the climate challenge.


By implementing the GHG Protocol and SBTi standards, Hakiki has developed strategies and action plans to reduce carbon emissions and achieve net zero.


We would like to express our gratitude to KADIN Indonesia (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce), IBCSD (The Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development, WRI Indonesia (World Resource Institute), and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for collaborating to facilitate the mentoring program for ten private companies in Indonesia, including PT Hakiki Donarta.

